Imported directly from Belgium True Holland/Belgium Bloodlines
Selective Breeding Only Gets You The Best.

Dear Chantal,
We can't thank you enough for raising such wonderful dogs. Zoey, our big girl, is 2 1/2 years old now and the absolutely smartest dog we have ever owned. She has such a great personality and keeps us laughing all the time. We never knew dogs could have such a vocal range. Zoey barks, grumbles, and roos. We love it! Our little girl Piper, is 1 year old now and so super sweet. She loves to lay her head in our lap when we are lounging around. She loves our artificial flowers more – we still haven’t been able to get her to stop pulling them out of their pots - good thing they are fake!! We can't wait to get another addition to our family soon. We have our big girl, our little girl and looking forward to our baby girl. Thanks again for our great bundles of joy!!
Diane and Chris

Dear Chantal,
Hope things are going well for you and that you have lots of furrbuts to keep you company. Now that our Piper has reached the ripe old age of 1 year old it seems like we need another little one in the house. We have our "Big Girl" Zoey and our "Little Girl" Piper (who is actually almost bigger than Zoey now but Zoey will always be our Big Girl), and now we need our "Baby Girl" who we have decided to name Madison. I was wondering if you are planning on having any litters that would put the puppies ready to be shipped sometime in December? If not we are more than happy to wait until a special little girl comes along.

Dear Chantal,
In December we said a forever goodbye to our beloved Luke. He was our 4th bouvier purchase from you and it is difficult to bear his loss. (We purchased Luke with his litter sister, Gracie. We bought Gracie for our daughter and grandchildren for the love and protection that are guaranteed when one acquires one of your dogs.) Prior to Luke, we purchased my beloved Jack and then, a female we named Scout. You have NEVER failed us in giving us the perfect temperament - all of your dogs were healthy, calm, affectionate and tough. They have been perfect family dogs and yet we never lock our doors because they are as protective as they are affectionate.
Chantal, we have been so grief-stricken that my veterinarian, Dr. Paul Maaus of N. Westchester Veterinary called me after Luke's passing to tell me that he thought I should call you to discuss acquiring another boy. He said,"I have never seen a bouvier with the exceptional temperament as Luke. In fact, in my whole practice, I have never seen another dog with such a temperament! I love him." Those words prompted me to contact you and ask if you would please find me another pup to love. Rich and I will wait until you tell us that you have another boy for us. we know that he will be calm, confident, sweet and steady. (We know that the toughness will come as he matures) Luke was so handsome that we couldn't go anywhere without being stopped to have his picture taken - he was even invited into high-end shops where the owners saw him outside and ran to the door to call us into their store. All of the fuss over him was delightful! We traveled all over the southern USA with him in a Town and Country van and he was invited to outdoor dining establishments - one even cooked him a huge bone and the chef came out to see him personally. I am crying as I am writing this to you as just talking about him makes me ache in my heart. We have been bouvier owners for over 40 years but you have been the most reliable breeder we have come across. All of my dogs from you have been the most exceptional. I am coming to you again as I know you will not fail me. Of all the breeders we have known, you are the most excited and enthusiastic about the bouviers and always have the cleanest kennels. I have never been to a breeder before you that had 5 perfectly behaved HOUSE dogs loose to mingle with the visitors. Your dogs are the most well behaved and steady dogs. You can surely be proud. Please call us as soon as you have a boy for us.
With much love and anticipation,
Laura and Rich Sturtevant

Hi Chantal,
Went sheep herding today with Cooper…WOW what a blast he did great for his first time, He’s a natural. While the trainer was evaluating Cooper she kept on commenting on his body structure and his puppy coat and said to tell the breeder that she (you Chantal) has extremely nice dogs. She has trained about 10 or so Bouviers and is familiar with the breed from all the shows she goes to. She breeds Swiss Mountain Dogs and has many champions in Herding/Agility and Conformation so she’s no amateur when it comes to evaluating dogs. She noted the muscle and bone structure and just his overall make up and that he was developing very-very good, She actually said it multiple times how good his physical structure is. There were other dogs there but no Bouviers and he sure stood out although the others were good in the ring Cooper is just learning. So pretty cool that the another person I met into dog shows said how great Cooper is…Thanks Chantal.
So we’ll be going back once a week until he gets all the commands down. I think he’ll do good he’s a quick learner.
Couple of pictures of him being evaluated. I have some video too that I’ll send you.
Steve Carbonaro

Good Afternoon!
It is with a sad heart that I am writing to you today. On March 28th, I had to help my beloved Bouvier cross over. Her name was TaTonka and I purchased her from you 12 years ago.
She was out of Danielle by Justice and she was actually the first dog that I owned. I always had dogs in my life, but she was all mine.
She was the best dog that I ever could have asked for, and she came along at the perfect time in my life. I purchased her after being separated from my first husband, and so she saw me through my divorce. She helped me get through losing my father in law and then my father. She even lived with my mother for a few months to help her through some tough times. This is the first "major" sad event that she has not been here to see me through. ( although I still hear her barking...)
She was excellent with children, great with other dogs ( although she would "yell" at them if they tried to grab her Frisbee) and perfect with other cats, bunnies, birds, you name it. One of her best friends in her first year growing up was a Standardbred stallion named Tagliabue. He would throw a ball over the fence to her and she would play...then kick the ball under the fence for him. I bought my current truck so that she could go everywhere with me, and she did. She was a great companion and is terribly missed.
She could not have been that great without your breeding knowledge and care. I would always tell people where I got her and mentioned that you were breeding for good disposition, and boy did you get it right. I am grateful for what you do, because you gave me one of the greatest gift could have asked for. I may be coming back for a puppy at some point...just not quiet there yet. Please keep me informed as to puppy availability. When the time is right...
Thank you again!
Sandra Isaac

Dear Chantal,
I just wanted to give you a quick update on our Brindled Bouvier that we purchased from you about 4 years ago.
Chimu is not just a member of the family, but seems to be the family 'core' (and character)! She was professionally trained (best money EVER spent) and is a complete joy!! She is wonderful with our grandchildren, a fantastic guard animal, and the sweetest and gentlest beast we have EVER had.
I have not only HIGHLY recommended a Bouvier for a pet, and have told them about you and how happy we are with ours.
Lovedddd your pic of Andre, our Chimu also loves her Christmas victim, this year it was a reindeer.
Have met some other Bouviers and have often wondered if they came from you. They are such wonderful little beings (noticed I didn’t say dogs) and have told anyone who would listen how great they are! Chimu is the joy of both my and Hank’s life and we couldn’t imagine life without her. She has both of us very well trained so we both know what she wants and when. Who ever said dogs were stupid animals never came up against a Bouvier!
Have a wonderful new year.
Mary Ann, Hank, and Chimu Johnson
PS from Hank:
Attached a photo of our sweetie. A sweetie until I go to bed! When I say “I’m going to bed”, she invariably beats me to it leaping on my pillow, quickly wrapping her front legs around it, and then growls (lovingly) when I put my head on it. She usually then relents, curls up between her ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, and rests her head on my shoulder to get some sleep time. What a character and delight she’s been all the years we’ve had her…..

Dear Chantal,
Thank you for our little bundle of joy, Patrasche. He is doing very well at home with the 3 boys. We are all so happy to have an addition to our family. We got our first Bouvier from you 13 years ago, he was such a great dog, always protective as he watched the 3 boys grow. It broke our heart when he passed last Dec. 2010.
Patrasche is now 10 weeks, he looks happy and healthy. I look forward to many happy memories with him. Thanks again!
Hazel Tajanlangit

Happy Holidays Chantal,
Just wanted to say thank you so much for such a great companion and a new best friend, You couldn’t have picked a more perfect dog for our family. Cooper (Chunky Money) is doing spectacular and growing into a big boy and he has an incredible personality that fits our family to a tee. We get more compliments about his looks then we could have ever imagined. He has brought joy to us all and that not always an easy thing to do.
I sent another email but I assume it didn’t go through because too many pictures attached. I removed the pictures except for Cooper below.
I am also considering another fur butt after the holidays and winter. Hopefully you’ll have another litter available around march or so. I would be looking for a Black Colored Girl.
Once again thank you so much for such a great addition to our family.
Happy Holidays,
Steve, Angela, (Cooper) and Family

On this holiday where we reflect on what we're thankful for, I couldn't let the day pass without telling you how blessed we are that you and your wonderful Bouvier's came into our lives. Everyday, Guinness puts a smile on our faces or makes us laugh at something he's done, discovered or come up with to entertain us. He is the best dog I've ever owned and I can't imagine not having a Bouvier in my life from now on.
Everywhere we take him we get asked "what kind of dog is that?" He's the best walking advertisement for the breed and your kennel. I've told dozens of people to look you up on the internet, because there is no better breed than this! At 8 months old, Guinness is a healthy, strong and well adjusted puppy. He was neutered 4 days ago, and came through that procedure with flying colors. It hasn't slowed him down a bit. He loves to chase our cat, snuggle, play and thoroughly enjoys the cooler weather.
We take him everywhere with us. He can't wait to get in the car and go for rides. He practically dances between the two vehicles until he knows which one we're getting in.
I pray that this Thanksgiving finds you well, surrounded by friends and family and these wonderful, fuzzy faces creatures. Thank you for bringing Guinness into our lives. It has made our family complete..
Tammy, Glenn and Guinness

I was just looking at your website and thought you would like pictures of Yogi Bear now age 10 years old. He is a great dog and a very big part of our family. The Bouvier is such a great breed it is so surprising you don't see more of them. In the first picture he is with Oliver our cat and they are best Buds. In the second picture he is with our daughter Kimberly, he is around age 5 in these pictures. The picture on the deck is recent. I tell you for being10 years old you would never know it. He loves to play and takes long walks regularly. He is doing very well and we love him very much. Thank you for this fantastic dog.
Best Regards,
Terry Doerr

Hi Chantel,
Just wanted to let you know that Clancey has adjusted very well to his new home! Cleo is starting to play with him, so she is accepting him into her pack. We had him to the groomer, so he is very handsome! He is very sweet and loving, starting to enjoy our daily walks, and is chewing on Nylabone and carries around a stuffed duck very proudly. Once again, your good breeding has provided us with a wonderful pet.
Susan and Stu Fause

Hey There Chantal,
I just wanted to thank you for being such a great person to deal with. I feel like I have known you my whole life! You were so helpful, and you always answered my emails and sent us pictures as our beautiful puppies were growing. You are an amazing person and we wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. When we lost our beloved Dino, I contacted you are you were so compassionate and understanding, thank you so much for helping us through a very hard time.
Our puppies, a black male, Oliver, and our fawn female, Lily, have been the most wonderful animals to add to our home. Thank you so much for them, we love them so much! They are great with our three children too! We adore you Chantal!
Thank you for everything,
Ryan, Cindy, Danielle, Madison, Jessica, Oliver and Lily Hemsley xoxo

February 16, 2010
Hi Chantal,
Our beautiful Meisha is now 11 months old. So far, in this part of western Pennsylvania, we've gotten about 70 inches of snow which is definitely one for the record books. Meisha loves the snow and has no trouble maneuvering in all of the snow drifts. In fact, she not only loves the snow, she loves everything life has to offer. She never leaves my side, she's my loving, caring, loyal, adorable shadow. You know, no one really knows exactly how a puppy will adjust to a new home. But, I have to tell you, there are no reservations about Meisha.
The very first day we brought her home, Meisha instantly become a part of our family. She was outgoing, friendly
that little tail going 100 hundred miles an hour, and learned everything so quickly. Intelligence, kindness, and gentleness are the words that describe her. Bouviers are known for these traits according to the breed books and when you get a Bouvier, hopefully your pup arrives with all 3. Well, let me tell you Chantal, I just want to Thank You!! so very much, for raising such beautiful Bouvier puppy. Our Meisha is certainly a product of wonderful Bouvier bloodlines. Your wise understanding of Bouvier breeding, characteristics and "personalities" has allowed us to be blessed with such a magnificent Bouvier des Flandres.
As you know, in the past, we have had 2 other Bouvs. Our last one, Xena, was a such a sweet and dear Fawn. We were so saddened when she was gone, and it took many years for us to get over her passing. I wanted to be so very careful as to making sure we would get another healthy, even-tempered Bouv just like her. I called many Bouvier breeders, talked hours on the phone, accepting and weeding out information, and finally made a decision. Chantal, I NEVER talked to one Bouvier breeder that was as enthusiastic about Bouviers as you, getting right to the point, discussing temperament, health, bloodlines and you did it without judging me!! I was impressed with how much knowledge you had of the breed, not trying to impress me with any nonsense, and you never criticized another breeder which I thought was very noble, forthright and stellar of you. You made sure that our home would be right for Meisha having a fenced-in yard, our knowledge and care of the breed. You were very helpful and you answered every question. After talking to you Chantal, I felt safe in knowing that a Chantal puppy belonged in our home.
Meisha blends so beautifully with our family and fills our hearts with joy. She studies and inspects everything, making sure it's safe for us. She is our true love, our close companion, our trusted safe keeper, our wise confidant. When she looks at you and places her paw on you, you know that's just like a little part of Heaven, you and your Bouvier..... Ahhhh, there's nothing like a Bouvier...
Chantal, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You....
Most sincerely,
Gloria and Sophia Gdovichin

Chantal -
Hello. My name is Jeff Strauss. I'm certain that you don't recall me, but 12 1/2 years ago, I purchased a 4+ month old bouvier from you. He was born on St Patricks Day, March 17, 1997. His father was Ch. Rimmo de la Ghoudier. I can't recall his mother's name. George was the last one left from the litter. He was brindle, a little on the small side, and his ears weren't cropped. You told me that you wanted to sell him before he got too old, with a new litter arriving any day. So, you lowered his price to what I could afford at the time. But, I also believe that you somehow knew that George and I were just a good fit for each other. From the moment George and I left your driveway, we were best friends.
I lost my best friend this morning when he had a terrible stroke. He was failing for the past year or so. Arthritis and a cancerous lesion on his nose brought him pain, but he was happy. He was a tough boy and I took care him the best I could. Even as his body failed, he was that same little puppy that I left your driveway with many years ago until the moment he passed. I'm heartbroken that he is gone; but I'm happy that he doesn't need to cry anymore. He had the most kind and gentle soul that any creature could ever wish to have. He never was angered, nor did he ever growl once in his life. He was just always happy.
I'm a very private and reserved individual, even with those closest to me. However, I feel the need to thank you, someone that I've met only once for a brief time many years ago, for cutting a kid a break when he really needed it. Your act of kindness brought more joy into my life than I could have ever imagined, and certainly more than I can ever thank you for.
I'm hoping that you can help me find another best friend. You did pretty good last time. Would you kindly let me know if you have any pups that I can meet or if any are "on the way"? Please feel free to email or call me.
Very truly yours,
Jeff Strauss

Hi Chantal!
This is Katie, I had bought a gorgeous black Bouvier from you around October about two years ago. I've attached a photo of Mercedes, whose name now is actually Moose, to this email. She's called Moose now because of how big she's gotten, and also her never ending appetite!
I just want to let you know how much I adore her, and how I could never thank you enough for such a wonderful, funny dog. She's my baby, and she's doing excellent!
She currently weighs in at 75 lbs, and she's pretty tall. She enjoys running free at the park, and herding other dogs, who often get frustrated with her because she's so fast, they can never catch up to her! (:
Thank you again Chantal, for my baby girl. She's such a joy to have. I'm so glad that I chose to have another one of your Bouviers in my family. If my house was large enough, I'd surely be coming back for another, most likely champagne! 😉
Katie McBride
Moose says hi!

Here is Hugo at two years old with Granddad and granddaughter Ella. Resting with his soccer ball. He could not be a better dog for our family. He is a lean and strong 90 lbs.
Thanks for your careful breeding.
Mark (South Dakota)

Hi Chantal!
I just wanted to email you and let you know that Tess (Tezz) is doing great! I had her spayed Thursday and she is recovering wonderfully. Honestly, if you didn't see her shaved belly and scars, you wouldn't know she had anything done. It is hard to believe that she has been with me for a year now! Attached is a picture of her at my mom's house, laying on her bed with her FAVORITE toy. She carries it everywhere! Thank you again! I could not ask for a better dog!
Eric Schaeffer

Dear Chantal,
My name is Kendall and I am 18 years old. My family purchased a puppy from you when I was only 4 years old - we named him Ranger. Ranger was the best dog anyone could ever imagine. Sadly, after 13 and a half years, Ranger passed away. My whole family is very sad about losing one of our members. However, we are excited about getting a Bouvier puppy that will be just as loving, loyal, and wonderful as Ranger. Please let us know about the availability of your puppies!
Kendall and the Stout Family

Hi Chantal,
Dawson is doing so good and is so happy; we are too. He is part of our little family and we all love each other. Lucy, the bird, is crazy about him too and calls him all the time and whistles for him. He has been neutered and was checked for heart worms and all. We started him on a monthly pill for that. In this area, heart worms are common. The whole vet staff said he was the most precious dog they had ever seen and he is. We hear that any where he has been.
He is zero maintenance; he knows when it is time for bed and does not get up till we do and boy is he loving. He never tears up anything except his toys; never a house accident... just nothing. So sweet... they can't all be like that??????
He loves to go to ride and we never need a leash. He minds every command� sit, stay, fetch, shake hands, let's go potty, let's go to the garden, etc� and is only 10 months old. He is smarter than a lot of people I know. We will send some more pics soon. We have had about 5 people ask for your web site. Hope you are well.
Your pals in TN
Rick and Mona, Dawson and Lucy

Hello Chantal,
I have been promising to send you a photo of Tate. We adore him. You can use this on your website. We are now in Boston. Tate was shipped to Ft. Lauderdale last year. He is approx. 1 1/2 years old. Was described as fawn but more a mix. His personality is very loyal, gentle and just a FANTASTIC DOG.
Thank you,

Hi Chantal!
I am in Sea Isle City (New Jersey) with the dogs, Pi and Jag, for two weeks! It is almost impossible for me to walk down the street without at least 10 people stopping me to ask about the dogs! My walks usually take about an hour, with only about 15 minutes of actual walking!! I also met a woman who has an older bBouvier. She didn't bring the dog to the shore, but told me that she lives in Collegeville and bought her Bouvier from you!.......What a small world!
It was really great to see you and Willie and Andre when I got the dogs clipped. I am really surprised that Jag (black male) is the same size as his father and that Pi (fawn female) is taller than her mother. I had the dogs to the vet for their check up. Jag weighs 111 lbs. and Pi weighs 97 lbs. Next time I get them clipped, we'll have to go out to breakfast again! That was fun! I had the dogs clipped short for the vacation. They look really funny with big heads and skinny bodies! I hope you are enjoying your summer.
I love my Bouvs!

I have attached my original story along with a picture of Sam.. the other is a copy of the story as it appeared in the TDInc Magazine Spring/Summer 2006.
Sam has passed on this past year and we had many wonderful times with her at the hospital when she had to come back over the years, she had one wish... to make it to 12 years old, and that she did.. and left soon after... I am sure Magic was happy to see her when he got there.
I don't know how you feel about dressing up dogs for visits, I know that in the beginning I was against it, but I found out that since Magic didn't mind, the kids absolutely loved it! So on holidays we would come up with things and I will be sending pictures of all the silly things poor Magic had to put up with from me just to add more smiles on the faces of kids and family. I don't think he minded...as long as he got to go and see the kids.
Tricia and the Fur Kids

Dear Chantal,
God Bless YOU!!! Gaston is like a miracle for my life. I am loving him so very much. He has been so very easy to train and is such an angel. I do not know who loves who more, him or me? Hehehe. He lays in my lap and stares at me for hours. He listens to me talk to him, like an old friend. I have been provided so much comfort by his companionship. Everyone thinks he is the king of my world and he is.
Gaston is so laid back. He does not chew on anything but his own toys. (Really more playing than what you would call chewing.) I have given him a couple baths because he got loaded with sand one day and the other day was muddy. He sits so patiently, in the bath tub, almost like he really seems to enjoy the 'spa' treatment. He sits quietly for his brush-down and has no fear of the hairdryer. Can you please recommend how I can learn to trim him correctly? I have been looking at trimmers and the pricing is all over the ballpark. Do you recommend one over the other? Someone told me that I will need a very expensive and high powered one because of the type of hair that he has. Also, do you use vitamins?
I am excited about seeing the book you promised us. I have been bragging about you to everyone. A woman at my local bank is waiting to see this book because she is thinking about getting one of your dogs. I have shown her some pictures of Jan and Sandy's dog that they got from you, also. I have been talking about you and your fantastic animals - your extraordinary kennels - and your heartwarming hospitality. You are so kind and thoughtful.
All the people that I know have been in awe of your dogs. I was so amazed at the number of folks who actually never heard of this breed before now. This is such a fabulous dog that I find it hard to believe that people are not filling their lives with these beautiful animals. Peter and I may consider acquiring a female from you when my heart condition levels off and I begin to feel better. I really can't wait to hear from you. Thank you, again, from the depths of my soul for my Gaston. We were meant for one another! God Bless You, Chantal.
Toni Brytowski

Hi Chantal!
We wanted to thank you for doing a great job on your breeding program. We own CH. Sir Winston Jones CGC, TDI. Although, we didn't buy Winston directly from you he does carry your lines on his sire side. Winston is five star health tested and has passed Eyes, Elbows, Heart, Hips, and Thyroid.
He turned five last March and is still going strong and healthy. He is also very agile and will soon start working on his herding title. You can find his health records on the OFFA site: http://www.offa.org. He is also CHIC certified: 38745.
We are so happy with Winston that we bought our puppy girl from you. We named her Kira. Kira is soon to be 11 months old and is a vivacious little bomb shell. She has started confirmation class and show career. She is well behaved and learns very quickly. Her structure meets the national standard for Bouviers perfectly. Her coat is thick and coarse. She has only been to four shows but has accomplished two reserves, Best Bouvier Puppy & Puppy Group 3.
I would also like to address the public in regards to what they read on the internet. Like we teach our children when they are growing up, don't believe everything you hear. Even as adults, don't believe everything you hear. I have been to Chantal's and I have hands on and physical contact with her dogs. They are all well behaved and very affectionate. I had all the kisses they could give. As a show person and someone who knows many Bouvier breeders, I know what to look for and found this facility and breeder very acceptable. Her house, yard, and kennels are spotless. The dogs are very clean, healthy, receive a great diet, and visit the vet when needed. Chantal's door is always open for anyone who wants to visit first hand.
The photos you see on her web site are her actual home / kennel. As a potential buyer, always know there are people who are hateful, jealous, and vengeful. This happens in all breeds, not just the Bouviers. If the person who is talking has never been to Chantal's themselves, be very cautious of them.
Once again Chantal, thank you for all your kindness. We always enjoy talking to you . Hugs to your fuzzy kids.
Debbi & Mark

Hi Chantal,
I wanted to let you know how happy we are with our Bouvier des Flandres that we purchased from you in March. It was extremely exciting to get pictures of our "new baby" shortly after she was born. We loved seeing her development weekly, after she was born, in the pictures you sent via email. There was no doubt that the beautiful girl we received was well taken care of, plus healthy and happy. Our conversations via phone, have always been wonderful. It was like we have known each other for years, even though we just met in January, 2008. We had just lost our beloved Kerry of 12 years (in December 2007) and you knew exactly how we felt.
One of the things that most impressed us was the fact that you gave us phone numbers of people who have some of your dogs here in California. We met one couple who have two of your Bouviers and we were extremely impressed by the intelligent dogs we saw, and the people as well. Since then we have become friends with this couple and try to get together whenever possible to let the dogs play together.
Chloe (our Bouvier) came to us in excellent condition and very healthy. We never have had a dog shipped to us before, but we were extremely confident buying a puppy from you, from our many emails and phone conversations. We love that fact that you keep a pure bloodline, and genetic variety, by going to Belgium and getting dogs from there. As a science teacher (my degree is in Biology- with many classes in genetics), genetic variety is extremely important in all animals. I can see that you have taken the time to breed your dogs to keep the wonderful traits that Bouviers are known for. These characteristics include being extremely good family dogs.
My husband and I researched all dogs when I was pregnant with my third child (12 years ago) and ended up with a Bouvier because of how good they are with children. Bouviers are one of the few dogs that don't bite, like German Shepherds & Dobermans tend to do when provoked. Many police departments use Bouviers (like Huntington Beach, CA & Redlands, CA), because their size is impressive and they will knock a suspect down and hold them down (without the fear of them biting, though "criminals" don't know this). Bouviers are herding dogs and use their weight to herd other dogs, kids etc. around. We love to see our dog herding our kids when they are out playing. Chloe is our pride and joy.
She is very intelligent and we have to keep up with her cleverness, even as a puppy. Chloe is a clown and entertains us on a daily basis. She loves our whole family and gets along well with our Labrador and three cats. We also take her to the park where we meet other people with dogs and Chloe loves to play with them and is very social. Just looking at her you can see that she is always thinking. Also when we go out with Chloe we always get stopped by people interested in her. People want to know what kind of dog she is, they want to pet her because she is so cute (people always want to pet her and find out about her). She looks like a fluffy bear. Chloe loves the attention from everyone and is an extremely confident dog (which is very important in a dog..this shows good breeding).
Chloe has a beautiful coat which we keep brushed and groomed. We always wanted a "fawn" colored Bouvier (our last was black), and she is beautiful! It was awesome of you to send us pictures of both parents. We saw Andre on your website and instantly fell in love with him and we knew that we wanted a puppy from him. We appreciate the time you have taken to give us all the information we asked for, along with the numerous pictures of our baby! Chloe is a wonderful addition to our family of five (three are kids). Chloe makes her presence known to each and every one of us and gives us her love freely! Thank you for this beautiful dog that is now apart of our family and who gives us lots joy!
Greg, Jeryl, Kiersten, Brendan & Kaleigh

We are the Nicholson Family, and are the very proud owners of four boisterous Bouviers. Three of our babies, Lucian Kveld Ulf a 9 month old fawn male, Jaiden Nikomas Lore a 6 month old black female, and Azryn Ravens Croft a 3 month old silver female, came from Chantal and we couldn't be happier. They are all of sound body and mind, with an excellent temperament and are thriving in a household full of kids, cats, and other animals.
The dogs are working hard at harness training so that they can begin carting for us when old enough. Each being trained to wear barding and to pull medieval style carts so that they can participate with the whole family in the medieval recreation of the SCA. We are all looking forward to the Bouvy's pulling carts full of armor as we head out to war! It will be a very exciting time!
Soon we will be retired from the Army, and they can all enjoy running and playing on the 116 acres we have in Wisconsin. They will even get the chance to use those herding skills to round up the cows for us!
I want to tell anyone who is looking for a new Bouvier puppy to know that you couldn't pick a better place than Chantal's. Chantal is a genuinely honest, caring person who loves her dogs dearly. This women does not have an ounce of snobbishness or hatefulness in her body. No matter what your background is, she is accepting. As long as you are a loving, responsible owner, her door will always be open to you, which is a rather refreshing change compared to some of the other Bouvier breeders out there.
Her home was spotless, the kennels were wonderful and each and every dog was beautiful, loving and well cared for. We couldn't have asked for more and will definitely be coming back for future Bouviers. So don't let all the negative talk from others sway you somewhere else. Take it from someone who's actually been there and has three great dogs from Chantal of her own. If you're looking for some big beautiful dogs full of sloppy kisses, then you've definitely come to the right place!
Dawn Nicholson & Family

Dear Chantal,
I am writing to you with great sorrow. We purchased a Bouvier from you 14 1/2 years ago and with great sorrow I must tell you she just passed away. She was never sick a day in her life and the greatest temperament anyone would want. She just adored children also.
We miss her deeply. We also purchased another one from you 10 years ago. She is just fine and doing very well.
We would like to come down to purchase another Bouvier. You seem to have the most cleanest and best breed dogs around. We have looked several places and they just can't compare to yours. I still remember your puppy playroom and gazebo you had for your puppies. We hope you are still having puppies. We just can't trust to go any other place. Please let us know as soon as possible. We need to fill the empty space in our hearts with another one of your great pups.
Very truly,
Shirley Scarl

Yay! I can't believe that Merlin is turning one year old today! Thought it was a good day to send you a quick letter and just let you know how he is doing. I took some pictures of him earlier and put a couple of the best in here. He is such a handsome boy! Quite a little character, he loves his blanket (an old baby blanket that he drags around the house), and his stuffed animals (he got a couple of new ones for his birthday!). Spoiled boy, but when you are as good a dog as Merlin is, you deserve it! He is such a wonderful dog, protective of the family, but still very gentle with little kids and small, furry things. I adore him! Hope that all of your crew is doing well!

Hi Chantal,
We got Morris from you about 2 years ago (he's the one who was on Philadelphia Magazine). He's been a great companion and he's wonderful with our 10 month old son. If you have any photos of Diva we would love to see them. Thanks, and I hope you are doing well.
Mike Naughton

Dear Chantal Bouviers,
Good evening. We are currently looking for a fawn Bouvier puppy. I had a Bouv boy back in the late 80's and his name was Dillon. I am enclosing my favorite picture of him so that you might see that he was a great looking guy. My wife Sheri and I have a nine year old son, Sam, and we are again looking for a pup. I didn't know if you might have puppies on the ground at this time or know of another breeder with fawns as beautiful as yours. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, Johnny,
Sheri and Sam

Just wanted to let you know that Brandy is doing great. Remember her.. you sent her to me before you went on your trip. Hope you had a good time there. I can't thank you enough for her. She is the BEST dog ever. She is sooooo loving and smart. Since she came into our lives on May 18th... she has been a joy. She is (almost) housebroken. Pretty much is. She goes to the door when she needs out to potty, and we keep her in her cage when we go to bed or leave. Because I know that she isn't ready to be left in the house alone yet. She did really well when I gave her a bath, just sat right down and enjoyed the water. She loves it when I get the hose out to water the plants. I think she is part Lab... loves to play with the water... Lol. We are working on her about jumping up on people.. she just gets so excited to see you when you get home.. she jumps up.. any suggestion on teaching that? Also, I am so sorry that I haven't mailed your cage back yet. It is in my garage... I need to get a box at work so I can send it to you... I think there are also some papers that I need to sign and mail to you too... I promise I will try to get everything to you this weekend. Once again... thank you so much. You need not to worry at all about her. She gets so much love and attention (and lots of kisses) LOL, from all of us. She has won all of our hearts. I also love it that she stays within 6 feet of me all the time. I guess that means she loves me too... Talk to you soon....
Anna Brisker

To Chantal & Chantal's Bouviers,
Our love for the Bouvier Des Flandres started at an Antique shop in Lawrenceville, Ga. We would go by this shop frequently to look around and we fell in love with a beautiful male Bouvier named Ferris. He was the shop owner's dog and he greeted all the customers, when they would come by. Ferris was so special, everyone loved him. Finally one evening we were reading the Sunday Paper and saw a litter of Bouviers for sale. We went to see them and they were beautiful and playful like all puppies are. We asked the breeder about the parents back ground and he said they were Chantal's Bouviers. He said "they were great dogs and he hadn't had any health problems and they were always well behaved". We bought two from him that are now over four years old. They are beautiful, very intelligent, well mannered, family members. We later contacted Chantal and purchased two more puppies they're equally as wonderful!! They are over three years old now.
Chantal is so knowledgeable about these dogs. She told us if we have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to call. All of our dogs have been fed the best food and have had all of there regular medical visits. None of our dogs have any health problems. They are the most wonderful group of dogs you've ever seen, and they are complimented when out in public.
We were on vacation in PA and we called Chantal and she invited us over for coffee and a visit. We had the pleasures of meeting Chantal and two of her beautiful Bouviers Andre and Willie. She gave us a tour of the house and kennels. Every thing was clean and nice. She is one hard working lady!! It was the highlight of our trip, Chantal is the best! We couldn't imagine our lives without our Bouviers. As a bonus, we work from the house and get to spend more time with them. Chantal, thanks for all the happiness you've brought to our lives!
James & Deb, Nikki, Noel, Emma & Tommy Auburn, GA

May 23, 2008
Dear Chantal,
Hope you are well and all is good with your furry friends. I wanted to show you pictures of Luke and let you know how he is doing. He is now 10 months old and is a most special wonderful dog. Rich and I love him so much. He is gentle, sweet, calm, affectionate and very smart. We just bought a Chrysler Town and Country Van so that we could travel with Luke and keep him comfortable. He LOVES the van! The doors are electric so I just press a button and they slide open. He jumps inside and is happy to go anywhere with me - even to the grocery store.
We took him on a 3 week vacation as we drove south to Florida. We stopped in Virginia, Savannah, Georgia and Atlanta. We also went to North Carolina and many stops along the way. We found many dog friendly hotels and he had a very wonderful time. EVERYWHERE that we went he was surrounded by people who wanted to pet him and take pictures of him. In Savannah a restaurant brought out a huge cooked bone for him (which we thanked them for but told them that Bouviers have a very strong jaw and would crush the bone with very little effort and that he could not have it). We ate outside everywhere so that he could be with us and he has the most wonderful manners.
He is so calm that Rich and I are thinking of training him to be a therapy dog to visit hospitals and nursing homes. We took him to a nursing home in Atlanta, Ga. and they asked us to bring him inside as he is so beautiful. All the people loved him and he was perfect with them. He is classic Bouvier - he just stands or lays there and lets them adore him without fussing over them!! He is aloof and doesn't care whether they pet him or not. Everyone loved him. We couldn't walk 20 feet without someone coming over to ask to pet him or take pictures with him.
I am sending you a picture of him with our cat Bella who Luke loves and is best friends with. They go for walks together and sleep together all the time. Chantal, he is quite beautiful and has a face which invites people to come to him. We are so happy that he is ours.
We are having a problem finding a groomer here who knows how to do Bouvier faces. He has been groomed twice and we are not happy. We are still looking for a knowledgeable groomer. I told Richard that I might consider going to grooming school just so that I could learn how to take care of him myself. I have written so much but I wanted to keep you aware of how wonderful your breeding is and know that we have given about 5 people your name. We are only concerned that some of them have no idea of what Bouviers are and how much special knowledge is required of the owner so that they understand how special they are. We are sure though that you would not sell to anyone you didn't feel would be right for the dog.
Love to you and all our furry friends,

Dear Chantal,
Well we are definitely very attached to our Winston puppy. His big brother is still warming up to him. Winston just wants to be like his big brother and has become quite the little water dog. (See attached photo.) You should see him swim, really fast in deep water!!!!
He started puppy school last Saturday and was the star of the class. He was at his second session today and once again was the star pupil, Teacher's Pet, and with all the praise he was getting a swelled puppy head. He is making the other dogs look bad! The teacher told Bill that she thinks Winston is quite intelligent and most importantly he is very obedient. He wants to please us and is so good about coming when called. We take him outside all the time and he stays with us. He loves the beach.
Our very good friends just got a Labrador puppy named Jessie. Winston and Jessie meet for play dates and he is in love with her. Wonder what Bouvielabs or Labrabouvie's might look like? LOL!!!
Bill wanted me to ask you how much should we be feeding him right now? Also when he is 6 months old what should he weigh, as well as when he is a year old? Bill, if you have any other questions ask Chantal directly.
So Chantal we could not be more pleased and we truly are blessed to have Winston in our lives. I will send you a photo in a minute of Winston swimming on his own. We got him the life vest, because he just wants to swim for so long that he gets tired and the life vests helps him to stay afloat longer. Winston sends puppy hugs and kisses!!!
Faith, Bill, Charleston and Winston!

February 21, 2007
Dear Chantal,
Brinks is now 5 months old! Lat week we weighed him and he is now 54 pounds. He eats mostly fresh fish and chicken. He also loves carrots and asparagus. Brinks eats oatmeal and cereals too! He loves a little cake (yellow) whenever he can get it. He is really a pistol! Chantal, the greatest trait Brinks has is his personality. He is the sweetest and the most loving dog we have ever owned. Every morning he wakes us up with kisses and his little tail going full speed.
Brinks is very smart and learns quickly. He was never a problem with leash walking, sit, down, and shakes your hand. He is almost totally housebroken. He is very healthy and has a beautiful coat. We also never used a crate with Brinks. I am home all day and it was not necessary. He has slept with us in our bed and we have a doggie ladder, as our bed is so high. It is the cutest thing to hear his little feet coming and going. Brinks is very good with our grandchildren too.
Chantal, you have great temperaments and so much personality in your Bouvier lines. I am so happy we found Brinks on the internet at 3 1/2 weeks old. Also, you are the most honest breeder I have ever met or known. I must add generous to that list. I thank you for the flag with your Gus on it, the Bouvier book and all the other items you gave to us. Most breeders would charge for these items. Also the Bouvier calendar and all the other goodies must total over $100.00. I thank you for all the kindness you have shown to us. Chantal, I also thank you for all the updates and information you supply to all of us that have bought puppies.
If you should ever need a reference on you line of Bouviers or on you personally as a breeder, please feel free to send or fax them a copy lf this letter and give them my phone number. Many breeders are very jealous or your success. I am so glad that I bought my Bouvier from you.
I would like to add that your kennel is a 5 star facility that anyone would be happy to leave their pets in. The rate that you offer is unbelievable! Chantal, thanks to you for my Brinks. I would not have him to heal my heart if you were not a breeder. Keep up the great work!
Sunny Mendelson

Dear Chantal,
I just wanted to give you a quick update on our Brindled Bouvier that we purchased from you about 4 years ago.
Chimu is not just a member of the family, but seems to be the family 'core' (and character)! She was professionally trained (best money EVER spent) and is a complete joy!! She is wonderful with our grandchildren, a fantastic guard animal, and the sweetest and gentlest beast we have EVER had. We found a groomer who knows how to groom a Bouv and she gets a bath and clip about every 3 weeks. I have not only HIGHLY recommended a Bouvier for a pet, and have told them about you and how happy we are with ours.
Thanks, Mary Ann Johnson
Denver, Colorado

Hi Chantel,
We just wanted to let you know our two Bouviers we purchased are now three years old. It seems time has flown by as it seems that we only got them a short time ago. Not only are they beautiful but also intelligent, friendly and great companions. They love playing with our old grouchy tomcat and they are very gentle with him considering how he thinks he rules the house. He has a very mean personality and likes to bite and scratch if he fails to get his way.
They both love to play and swim with our grandsons who are three and eight years old. They have never shown any aggression to the children. It is all tail wagging and kisses with the kids.
The oldest dog thinks she is a small lap dog and loves to be held and cuddled in spite of her 90 lb. size. They have both never been to the vet for anything other than their yearly shots and checkups. We know we made a wise decision in purchasing these dogs from you sight unseen and have never regretted getting them. Many people have seen them and are quite impressed with their demeanor. They have made our life more complete and are wonderful companions, house pets, and watchdogs.
The Harold Johnsen Family

Dear Chantal,
My name is Leonard Heller and my wife is Claudia. We got our first Bouvier over fifteen years ago. He came from a top breeder in Maryland. At about a year old he started becoming aggressive. The situation became serious enough that we got a dog behaviorist. He bit him during the evaluation. He said that he would need Prozac and very strong discipline. He warned us of the liability risks and said he could do no more. We worked with him over the years but he remained aggressive. He bit me once on the shoe, growled at me a lot and one day attacked me and bit my arm. My wife was the only person he listened to and she was there to call him off. We had to put him down. As much as we loved the breed I was ready to give up.
Then we met some people with Chantal dogs. What a difference in character! They were beautiful, intelligent and athletic. We got our first one, Kaya. She was one of the most loyal athletic and intelligent dogs we ever had. We then adopted Fleur at age two, a Chantal dog. Fleur is a very large lovable female who fit in with Kaya and our cat. We now have Maya which we just got from you. She looks to be another Kaya. When we visited your home and kennel we were quite impressed. Very clean and well organized. We found you a very professional and caring person. We look forward to a continuing relationship with you.
Love, Claudia and Len

Thanks for all the time and patience you provided Ron & I in making the decision to purchase two female Bouvier puppies. You had a good selection of puppies from which to choose. We had so many questions and you took your time to provide all the answers to our questions. You have also provided us with guidance when we found issues involving the training and discipline of our new puppies. The dogs are now five & six months old. They are such a joy and provide a great deal of companionship to us. The dogs have been very easy to train and their temperaments are great. One of the dogs is the watch dog and the other provides lavish affection. We want to thank you once again for all your help and will not hesitate to refer others to you for purchasing a new Bouvier pup.
Pat & Ron

Dear Chantal,
We just wanted to let you know how happy we are with my dogs. They are the sweetest dogs we have ever owned. Not only are they beautiful but their personalities match them. We attribute that to your great breeding. We have never had any problems with health or anything. We have an 8 year old granddaughter that lives with us that absolutely adores them. She has a ball playing with them. She has taught the so many tricks from catching a ball to going down a slide. It is so funny to watch them all playing together. They are also my husband's running buddies. We live near the woods that has trails and he lets them off leash. The are so well trained they stay right with him. We am a so proud to have them. When we are walking them we are always stopped and asked about them. We always tell them where we got them. We send them to your web site. We hope we have gotten you some business. We are so glad we found you and if we ever had to get another we sure would return to you. Once again thank you for our wonderful dogs.
Joe and Gigi Egan

Dear Chantal:
Yes, the dog is for us. We would like another one. "Mr. Big" has grown up in the stores and he has never been left alone. He is the best boy, just sits at the front of the store and stops everyone that walks by. They all love him and want to know where we got him, etc. We keep him well groomed and he has the best laid-back personality. He is so well liked that we have to post his itinerary at each store for the customers that just come to see him. Therefore, we need another one to rotate between the stores. You will probably get many requests for black ones.

Hi Chantal!
I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner. I have been very busy with Harper. She is such a great puppy! I can't thank you enough for everything. She is adjusting to her new home very well. She's eating well and loves her brisk walks. She is very smart and I look forward to bringing her to puppy classes soon. I hope you are doing well. I hope all the dogs are doing well too. I will send some pictures when I get the chance.
Thanks again! Talk soon!
P.S. She did very well at her vet visit too. 🙂

Just a note to let you know you are doing far too good a job on the breeding thing. They apparently don't have an expiration date. 14 years ago I sent one of my neighbors down from NJ to you and they picked out a nice brindle girl. They have been happy ever since and still take her for walks down our country road. The owner proudly reports that she sometimes still acts like a puppy. My niece is equally pleased with her little girl that you sent to Nebraska. I guess she must be pushing 2 by now. Thanks and I hope you are well.
Capt. John Yskamp, Marine Surveyor

I purchased a female Bouvier from Chantal in 1999. She was almost 6 years old at that time and had had 3 litters already. I took my bitch Bianca, AKA Chantal's Gold Ambition, and fully health tested her. She passed everything! Hips, elbows, heart, eyes, thyroid. She lived to be 13. I have her Champion son who has also passed all the health tests. He is OFA excellent on his hips. His pups are also passing their health testing. There are very few breeders who have breeding animals with chic numbers. I feel very fortunate. I would not hesitate to by another dog from Chantal.

May 26, 2008
Dear Chantal,
Hope all is well with you and your Bouvier family. Dan and I wanted to provide you with an update of our Quinn. Our little boy is developing into a fine young man, he is growing by leaps and bounds and continues to become more handsome each day, he is truly captivating.
Historically, our Bouv's have always been steadfast, loyal, loving family members and Quinn is no exception he is following in his predecessors footsteps. Quinn is nearing completion of school and I feel like a proud mom, we get compliments on his behavior and demeanor each week. Quinn is "Growing Up Bouvier", he is textbook Bouv with a cuddlier side. With all the nice weather our home seems to have a revolving door and Quinn is such a fine host our family and friends want to take him home.
Chantal, Dan and I are truly grateful for your time and energy in raising Quinn the first several weeks, your imprint well be with him forever. He is an absolute joy; he is confident, inquisitive and loving. As he reaches more milestones we will keep you informed, as you know, we are not shy about touting our Quinn. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Tammy O'Farrell

May 29, 2008
Thank you so very much for taking such good care of Belle for us. As you know we do not leave our Bouviers with just anyone. They are part of our family and as such get the very best care we can provide them. When I picked Belle up the other evening she was happy to see me but I could tell she enjoyed her time she spent at your place.
When we bought our first Bouvier from you some 15 years ago we had no idea what a wonderful breeder we had in our own backyard. As you know that first Bouvier, Kajun, lived with us and gave us 13 1/2 years of wonderful companionship, love and complete devotion. And now we have Belle who is 4 years old and although she could never fill Kajun's paws, she has started new paw prints on our hearts. Thanks again for taking such good care of her for us. Have a wonderful summer and give all your Bouviers hugs and kisses from us.
Linda and Karl

The Only Kennel in the USA Owned and Operated by Professional Breeder
From the Country of Origin of the Breed.